What Does The “From Other” Section of Instagram Insights Really Mean?


A benefit to having a Business Page on Instagram is the access to Insights. But one part of Instagram Insights is infuriatingly vague…the “From Other” section. You can find it by navigating to any post, selecting “View Insights,” and scrolling down to bottom of the “Impressions” section.

From Other on Instagram Insights

When we train business owners on how to use Instagram for marketing, we get a lot of questions around what this “From Other” section accounts for.

There is a lot of false information floating around forums about what it means…so let’s just take a second to clear this up so you know can interpret this data properly.


What The “From Other” Section Really Means

The “From Other” section is a collection of subcategories.

It combines views from posts:

  • shared through messages,
  • posts or notifications where you’ve been mentioned or tagged,
  • saved posts
  • and posts that show up on the Following tab in your notifications.

The “From Other” subcategory can be frustrating.

Even if you know what it is comprised of, you need to dig deeper to hypothesize where your followers are seeing your content. But knowing what influences this data should help you interpret it better.

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